
Productivity tips for entrepreneurs with big task lists

Expanding on Shift's guide to streamline your workflow

Editorial CollectiveJuly 16, 2024

One size does not fit all when it comes to productivity tactics. Inspired by an article from Shift on streamlining your workflow, this piece explores how entrepreneurs might further customize the way they manage their task list based on their personality type and working style.

This piece was inspired byShift
Discover your...

Ideal approach to productivity based on your personality and work style.

Explore ways to...

Cultivate a sense of accomplishment and ease when managing your task list.

Reflect on...

Your current process and tools for task management, and make changes as needed.

A person with shoulder-length dark hair, seated comfortably on a couch in a cozy, well-lit room, deeply focused on writing in a notebook. They are wearing a casual blue shirt and jeans, and are surrounded by a warm, inviting decor featuring natural tones and soft furnishings.

Personalizing your productivity

There are a ton of articles out there on productivity tips, and many of them encourage you to personalize the recommendations to fit your own work style. But how exactly do you know what your work style is?

We won’t claim to be the next Myers-Briggs or deny you of the insights you’ve already gained from your astrology chart. Instead, we’ll give you three work styles to consider–planner, innovator and doer–based on common personality traits we see in our community of entrepreneurs.

Analyzers and planners

Entrepreneurs with this work style benefit from a structured workflow with clear timelines and detailed plans. Tools like Gantt charts and project management software provide clarity on the progress of work, helps them stay on task and manage their daily workload.

Creatives and innovators

If you thrive when you’re allowed flexibility in your work day, you might be among this group of entrepreneurs. Creatives and innovators appreciate spontaneity in their workflow. Their task list becomes more manageable when they visualize their day-to-day using mind maps, digital sketches and journaling.

Executors and doers

Entrepreneurs who fly through their task list (with or without complaint) fall into this category of work styles. They work as efficiently as possible, using automation tools and time blocking to get things done without getting stuck in the details.

The psychological impact of not getting it done

There’s a cumulative impact of having a never ending task list. You may feel guilt, shame or a loss of control. You’re also more likely to feel stressed and fatigued from the underlying cognitive tension, when you’re deprived of the sense of accomplishment that comes with getting things done.

Whether you're an analyzer and planner, a creative and innovator or an executor and doer, personalizing the way you work can help motivate you to tackle your task list.

Practical steps to personalized productivity

  • Assess your daily work routine Review what aspects of your current work style is working and what needs adjustment. Over the course of a week, break down your daily routines, identifying areas where you feel overwhelmed or underproductive. And don’t forget to evaluate the tools you use. Do they help you move tasks forward or further complicate your work day?
  • Test different ways of getting work done There’s no harm in trying out new time management skills or productivity tools, but be mindful of the time you spend integrating these things into your workflow, versus actually getting work done. Start with one new strategy at a time. If it doesn’t create more ease in your workday, switch back to what works for you, then try out another at a time where your tasks aren’t time sensitive.
  • Use tools and apps to support your personalized workflow Invest in apps and tools that assist you in getting work done. Even if your plan is to outsource tasks in the future, finding immediate sources of support offer a sense of relief and can help you feel more in control of your workload.

Productivity ebbs and flows, and while the world places so much value on the output of work we get done, as entrepreneurs, we can choose to redirect that value to the quality of our work. Still, the fact remains that there’s always work to be done. The Ultimate Guide to Streamlining Your Workflow from Shift remains an essential read for entrepreneurs with big task lists.

Editorial Collective

Digital Entrepreneur's editorial team includes Sharon Milone and Barrak Alzaid, with help from our friends at Redbrick, Danni Deguire and Rachel Aiken.